Thursday, 19 April 2012

No Two Readers Are Alike

I am a relatively new Indie Author and am still finding my feet so to speak. What I have found so far is the way  2 people interpret a book can be so totally different - it just blows me away!

I have received a few 2star reviews on my first book The Man of my Dreams - main criticism being that the ending left you hanging and there needed to be more background info on the characters. This is only book #1 in a series and those things are pretty much answered in book #2:  Be Careful What You Wish For This is the way I write and so many people "get me" and love my books, but every now and again I will get a comment from someone saying that they were lost and didn't understand what was going on. It would be nice to be able to say to them "Oh - your questions are all answered in the next book" - but it kind of looks like I am pushing sales and besides I have to be careful commenting on my own bad reviews :) One reviewer could not finish my book 2 chapters in.....

So far the reviews for my second book have all been positive, even though it ends with a big cliffhanger. I guess by the time people have read the second book, they realise it is a series and there is another book coming.

Indie authors seem to have to work harder to prove themselves and I find that some reviewers scrutinize your writing looking for errors - more so than they would for a traditionally published author. When I first self published back in September, I made the error of not getting my book edited right away. Big mistake! I remedied that problem very quickly and now would never dream of publishing anything that had not been looked over by my wonderful editor Melanie Saxton

Anyway, I am working on book #3 in The Dream Series (The Chosen One) and so far I am happy about the way it is shaping up. I have a few readers anxiously awaiting it and they are the ones that keep me focused. I really want to thank my loyal readers - you know who you are xx


  1. I am a loyal reader :)
    And am so looking forward to reading The Chosen One!!!
    It's good to get different reviews because as you know everyone is different and likes different things.
    What I hate is when people review and say horrible things or are overly critical....
    I think you rock Gladys and am proud of you <3

  2. I have just read both of these books and they are absolutely fantastic. I couldnt put them down, finished the first in a few hrs and sat up half the night reading the second. Hanging out for the third book. Highly recomment them to anyone who loves a romance with a twist. Fantastic
